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WORKSHOP: Value-Added Producer Grants


I wanted to let you know of three upcoming workshops for Value-Added Producers who may be interested in applying for the Value-Added Producer Grant through USDA.  We have publicized these events, but if you can relay this information to value-added producers you may know or those within your organizations or associations, this would be helpful. 

  • February 10                        Clinton, TN

  • February 12                        Jackson, TN

  • March 4                               Columbia, TN

  • All workshops will begin at 10AM local time and conclude by 3PM local time

  • USDA personnel and UT Extension Specialists will present information on how they can develop a strong grant application

  • There is a $15 registration fee and can be paid on-line; lunch will be provided

  • Once someone registers for the workshop we will send them information to the meeting site

  • The Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) has two parts:

    • Planning Grant                                  Up to $75,000 for feasibility studies; developing business plans; developing marketing plans

    • Working Capital Grant                   Up to $250,000 for processing costs, marketing and advertising expenses and some inventory and salary expenses

    • The VAPG grant requires matching funds of 100% of the grant amount for all applications

If you have questions, please let me know.

Thank you,          

Troy Dugger

Program Coordinator II

Helping Farmers Develop Value-Added Enterprises

Center for Profitable Agriculture

February 7

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February 27

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