Cumberland Seed Commons track
November 30 - December 1, 2023
The Cumberland Seed Commons working group is pleased to host two days of dialogue, knowledge sharing, and organizational planning around the ongoing work of preserving, growing and sharing heirloom and native seeds at the 2023 TN Local Food Summit.
About the Cumberland Seed Commons
The Cumberland Seed Commons is a recently formed community-based initiative which consists of individuals and organizations from diverse organizations in the Kentucky, and Tennessee region who understand the importance of having regionally adapted seeds and a network to support seed work. Our name is inspired by the Cumberland River (known as Wasioto by Native Americans) watershed which traverses both states and connects us in a web of interdependence, mutual care and responsibility for our bioregional ecosystem and communities. Collectively, we understand the foundational importance that seeds have to all life and commit ourselves to the preservation, growing and sharing of a great diversity of heirloom and native seeds. Our view is that seeds are the foundation of creating community resilience as we are challenged by climate change.
Everyone, regardless of their state residency is welcome to participate in the further work of developing the conceptual framework and infrastructure of the Seed Commons which has national significance.
Christina Justice
Cherokee Nation
Feather Smith
Cherokee Nation
Chris Smith
Utopian Seed Project
Amyrose Foll
Virginia Free Farm (joining virtually)
Susana Lein
Salamander Springs Farm
Megan Allen
Care of the Earth Community Farm
Jim Embry
Sustainable Communities Network
Eleanor Lopez
Native American Indian Association of TN
Thursday, November 30, 2023, 3:00 PM -9:00 PM
Comfort Suites, 904 Murfreesboro Rd. Lebanon, TN 37090, Banquet Room
2:00 PM -3:00 PM – Registration
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Organizing Our Cumberland Seed Commons
Guided discussion will include review of mission, working group reports, assessment of structure, legal entity, committees, membership categories.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM – Dinner
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM – Discussion & Film Screening
Discussion on further organizational development of Cumberland Seed Commons with a focus on committee assignments and future visioning. Conclusion with film showing of Seed Mother Comes Home.
Friday, December 1, 2023, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Cumberland University Alumni Hall, 408 S Maple St, Lebanon, TN 37087 (9:00am-6:30pm)
Cumberland University June & Bill Heydel Fine Arts Center, 1 Cumberland Dr, Lebanon, TN 37087 (7:00pm-9:00pm)
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM –Seeds for Community Resilience
This is Day 2 of the Cumberland Seed Commons Track which will include these topics: conceptual framework for a seed commons, guidance of Indigenous culture, historical examples of seed commons, current USDA seed initiatives, TVA seed projects, and resources.
Cumberland University Alumni Hall, Classroom A
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM – Seeds for Community Resilience Continued
This is Day 2 of the Cumberland Seed Commons Track which will include these topics: conceptual framework for a seed commons, guidance of Indigenous culture, historical examples of seed commons, current USDA seed initiatives, TVA seed projects, and resources.
Cumberland University Alumni Hall, Classroom A
12:00 PM - 1:45 PM - Lunch & Keynote Address
Keynote address by Christina Justice, Secretary of Natural Resources, Cherokee Nation on Cherokee People and Seed Relationship
Cumberland University Alumni Hall, Banquet Room
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM - Seed Saving, Storing & Cleaning
This is Day 2 of the Cumberland Seed Commons Track which will include these topics: theory and practice of seed keepers, TVA seed projects, seed saving techniques and tools, resources for seed farmers and more.
Cumberland University Alumni Hall, Classroom A
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM - Future of the Cumberland Seed Commons Initiative
This is Day 2 of the Cumberland Seed Commons Track which will include these topics: how to continue the work to develop the Cumberland River Seed Commons, relationships with TVA, USDA, Tribal nations, seed hubs, concept document, committee formation.
Cumberland University Alumni Hall, Classroom A
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM - Banquet Dinner
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Keynote Panel: Building A Seed Commons through An Indigenous People’s Lens
As we move closer to developing a food sovereignty, and we become the caretakers of the seeds that provide us with food to nourish our physical bodies, let us "go back and fetch" the seed saving wisdom of the original inhabitants of Turtle Island. The "seed commons" of today can build on the millennia of passed down knowledge and wisdom of caring for and adapting seeds to our bioregion.
Cumberland University, June & Bill Heydel Fine Arts Center