Robin Verson

Hill & Hollow Farm

Raising Sheep for Fiber: Weaving Together a Sustainable Farm Business and Wardrobe, Saturday, December 7th, 2:00 PM, Room 305

Robin Verson has spent the past 25 years developing and managing her certified organic Metcalfe County, Kentucky  farm while also devoting herself to raising 3 incredible humans. Growing food and nourishing the Hill and Hollow Farm's CSA community has offered Robin the opportunity to center her work on community support of sustainable farming practices. The farm is also home to a flock of heritage breed sheep rotationally grazing the pastures. In addition to raising vegetables, herbs and cut flowers, the farm also focuses on dye plants. The one of a kind local farm fiber products emerged from the farm's wool and these farm raised dye stuffs. She cofounded the Greater Cumberland Regional Fibershed with hopes of furthering awareness around healthy local fiber systems. Robin is thrilled to share her experience, her passion and her knowledge of healthy fiber and food systems.

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