APPLY: Climate Beneficial Fiber Partnership

NCAT and its partners—Carbon Cycle Institute, Colorado State University Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Fibershed, Seed2Shirt, and New York Textile Lab—have secured $30 million from USDA's Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities to expand sustainable wool and cotton production on 135 farms across 2.1 million acres. Building on the Climate Beneficial™ fiber program, the initiative emphasizes soil regeneration, carbon sequestration, and rural economic growth. A Carbon Farm Planning whole-farm approach guides producers in adopting tailored climate-smart practices that improve soil health, enhance resilience, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Participants receive cash incentives to implement selected conservation practices. The program prioritizes equity by engaging traditionally underserved producers and meeting the growing demand for climate-smart textiles. It's still possible for cotton producers in Alabama, California, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, and Tennessee or wool producers in California, Montana, New York, South Dakota, and Wyoming to apply. For more information and to apply, visit the website, Climate Beneficial Fiber.


JOIN: 1000 Farms Initiative - A Study of Soil Health


APPLY: Regenerative Grazing Mentorships